Rated Welding Current: 170Amps @ 3,000rpm / 50Hz
Auxiliary Output 3.0kVA Single Phase at 50Hz 240 Volt Engine
Water-cooled KUBOTA diesel engine 7.8kW
Fuel tank capacity 15 litres
Welding Rod Size: 2.0 – 4.0mm

Shindaiwa DGW201M Diesel Generator Welder
- Safety Voltage Reduction Device (VRD) fitted, complies with AS1674.2
- Fitted with Earth Leakage and Overload Protection on 240V outlet
- Exceptional welding performance using Shindaiwas unique current control system
- Super Silenced enclosure producing 58dba @ idle, 61dba @ 3,000rpm / 50Hz operation
- 1 x 20Amp Single Phase / 240V / 50Hz Weatherproof IP66 outlet