The 3M™ Half Face Reusable Respirator 7500 Series has a soft, silicone face seal for greater comfort and durability.

The 3M™ Half Face Reusable Respirator 7500 Series has a soft, silicone face seal for greater comfort and durability.
Provides protection against: Particulates (P2/P3*), Ozone and Nuisance Level** Acid Gas & Organic Vapours with Low Vapour Pressure.
Provides protection against: Organic Vapours (boiling point > 65ºC) (A1). The 3M™ Cartridges 6000 Series attaches to the 3M™ Half and Full face respirators, they are lightweight and well balanced when fitted to the respirator.
Provides protection against: Organic Vapours (boiling point > 65ºC) Inorganic & Acid Gases (A1B1E1).
Provides protection against: Organic Vapours (boiling point > 65ºC) Inorganic & Acid Gases, Ammonia and Methylamine (A1B1E1K1).
Provides protection against: Particulates (P2), including those containing oil.
Includes a 3M Half Face 7500 Series Respirator with special Cool Flow valve and soft silicone material.
Convenient respiratory kit designed for asbestos removal and environments containing dust. The kit comes complete with the 3M™ Half Face Reusable 7500 Series Respirator for comfort and durability. It also includes two pairs of 3M™ Particulate Filters 6035 P2/P3
For protection against paint spraying, pesticide spraying, chemical handling, fibreglassing, printing, degreasing
The BIG RED® welding glove is famous in the Australasian welding market and sets the benchmark for professional welding gloves. The BIG RED® is designed for extra durability and comfort, we only use the highest quality materials.